Basic Facial Massage
Basic Facial Massage
Integrating classic massage techniques to relax facial muscles, enhance blood circulation, and promote skin metabolism.
Wrinkle Tightening Facial Massage
Utilizing special massage techniques to stimulate collagen production, improve wrinkles and sagging, and lift facial contours.
Whitening Brightening Facial Massage
Using whitening and brightening essence and massage techniques to improve dull skin tone, brighten the complexion, and restore skin
Deep Cleansing Facial Treatment
Applying deep cleansing mask to remove surface impurities and dead skin cells, purify pores, and leave the skin refreshed and smooth.
Hydrating Facial Treatment
Applying water-glow mask and high-concentration moisturizing essence to replenish hydration, improve dryness and fine lines, and leave the skin hydrated and smooth.
Anti-Aging Facial Treatment
Using anti-aging mask and serum to enhance skin elasticity, tighten facial contours, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Comprehensive Facial Care Package
Combining multiple facial care services tailored to individual needs, including massage, cleansing, hydration, whitening, and more.